Cashback is one of those terms that everybody uses, but nobody really knows exactly what it means. Many people use the term interchangeably with reward points, which is an entirely different thing. A reward point is something that you can earn by making purchases. A cashback credit card would be like a reward point store that gave you cashback whenever you used their card to make a purchase. They might also give you a small amount of cash for signing up, or a coupon book that has your favourite items printed on it for free.
If you are going to use a cashback credit card, you need to know what you are getting. First of all you are going to have a set amount of cash value. It might be a percentage of your total hotel stays, or it could simply be a set amount of money that you get whenever you use your card to make purchases. The best cashback credit cards give you a decent amount of cash back on every dollar spent. These usually give you about twenty,000 points or around four percent cash back, which tends to be pretty good.
If you want more information about the cashback program you are looking into then check out some of the websites that offer it. Usually you will find a section on the homepage that offers basic information about the cashback program. You will want to read this section over carefully because it will give you a good idea of what you can expect. You will probably find the amount of cash back that you can get and the percentage rate at which you can get it. Some cards will also tell you how many hotel stays you can get per point value, while other cards will not mention this.
There are also a couple of different types of Hilton Honors credit cards, including food and beverage rewards. If you are someone who likes to enjoy your meals then these may be perfect for you. You could get double points with these types of Hilton Honors hotels if you eat at their restaurants or eat at an off-site eatery while you are on a vacation. Other hotels give you the option of getting one free dinner or cocktail for you and a friend. These are known as “vip tickets.”
Many people like to use the Hilton Honors Card and earn the rewards by using the Hilton Honors Card to pay for their hotel stays. You can do this by getting the Hilton Honors Gold Card, which has a base rate of twenty thousand points and is good for any stay in a participating hotel. There are no blackout dates or restrictions on the number of nights you can stay. However, you will need to have at least ten cashback points on the gold card to use it for your hotel expenses.
If you prefer not to use the Hilton Honors Card for your hotel expenses, you could get the same amount of cashback for dining at a place that is not a participating hotel. For example, you could get five percent back at a restaurant called Radisson Blu. Five percent is less than twenty percent, so you could save quite a bit of money with Radisson Blu. You would also be able to get the same benefits as the Hilton Honors Card for dining at any location with a membership to the club.